silentscream Search

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I'm getting lazier and lazier in updating this page. And here I am thinking it might be cool to have my own homepage. *sighs* I can't even maintain the uniqueness of this site what more a homepage. Imagine it, I'm exposing more of my idiosyncrasies to the rest of the world. As if I don't get enough flak. Then I will start to be depressed and eat more. I don't need that kind of stress in my life.

I've been to the NTU web portal. Yes, being a kiasu Singaporean, I decided to apply early for my admissions to next intake. I was thinking about taking the Biological Sciences course in NTU. They have the option of medical school in the final year. Imagine my surprise when I checked out the relevant diplomas to the course applicants can take. Those with Dip. in Biotech. from TP are not allowed to study or even choose BSc in Bio Sci! Only graduates from SP and NAP are allowed. What is this? Are we not good enough to study that particular course? Or are they implying that SP and NAP grads are too lousy and so they are given a chance to try that degree programme? But then again, the rest of the course eligibility are the same for all 3 polys. Can someone care to expound on this dilemma? Being treated like second class citizens, it's no wonder poly grads all flock to the foreign universities. What with the advanced standing given, it's a much better option than staying on here.

It's just plain unlucky that I can't save fast enough. If not, I would book myself a one way ticket outta here.

Disclaimer. I'm not saying that SP and NAP graduates are second rate or not good enough. I was just baffled as to why there is such a segragation in the admissions to that particular course. I thought everyone who has earned that diploma are on equal footing. One theory could be that the subjects and syallabuses covered are different. Also the emphasis of the lessons could be different too. I apologise to all those who were offended by my earlier comments. I am also not trying to cut off all ties with my country. As a matter of fact I love Singapore and everything associated to her!

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