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Monday, December 27, 2010

Day off in lieu

So here I am. Alone at home. Chilling out with the radio on and the computer plugged in. Signed in to my usual messenger service. Checked out who's online and off we go to our usual routine.

I am planning to take things a wee bit slow today. Read a couple of books. Have a wee bit of me time. Perhaps a little bit of grocery shopping can be done. And the remaining laundry to do, given the state of the skies. Managed a couple of loads earlier. If the sun stays out, then I will clear the final washing load of the day.

Typical day off. I wish Dear was around as well. It will be nice to do coupley things.


But he has to go to work. And me ?

I have the day off to do as I wish. And if the mood strikes me, I might not even do the things above. Maybe I will choose to snooze and watch tv and finish off the leftovers from yesterday's lunch do.

Now, that's a choice ! *winks*

1 comment:

alexisce said...

one day in lieu is just not enuff! ha