silentscream Search

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Birthday Party for the Boy

So we got invited to a pre-birthday BBQ for the eldest boy. Changi Village was the venue and bring an empty stomach was the instruction. Presents are optional but plenty of play time with the kids are required.

So off we went. First to get the present and then to Changi.


But alas the plans we made were not meant to be realised. First we got side tracked by the super late start to the day. Then we got stuck in the office for longer than thought. And finally I had to throw a hissy fit that almost killed the night and my sisters' love. For with just a couple of messages, I'd almost became the least favourite sister.

But almost was the key word.

We went.
We met.
We ate.

And that was good. Lovely time for the kids as well. :-)

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