silentscream Search

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day off in lieu

So here I am. Alone at home. Chilling out with the radio on and the computer plugged in. Signed in to my usual messenger service. Checked out who's online and off we go to our usual routine.

I am planning to take things a wee bit slow today. Read a couple of books. Have a wee bit of me time. Perhaps a little bit of grocery shopping can be done. And the remaining laundry to do, given the state of the skies. Managed a couple of loads earlier. If the sun stays out, then I will clear the final washing load of the day.

Typical day off. I wish Dear was around as well. It will be nice to do coupley things.


But he has to go to work. And me ?

I have the day off to do as I wish. And if the mood strikes me, I might not even do the things above. Maybe I will choose to snooze and watch tv and finish off the leftovers from yesterday's lunch do.

Now, that's a choice ! *winks*

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All On Board - Thai Express

A few thoughts from the dinner with friends last night, forever immortalise on a napkin, to transfer on the worldwide web.

Dinner was fun.

Great to meet up with old friends. Sharing common memories and making new ones. Special bonds shared, with so many different people with a myriad of thoughts, experiences and stories to tell and share.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another sighting..

Yes, another sighting of the man, I call "Tony Stark". Every single time I see him, he's looking more and more like a regular guy. A good disguise, Mr. Stark !

My Dear thinks that all this sightings of Tony Stark are just figments of my imagination.

I wonder the same thing, sometimes.

Especially more so, now, as Mr. Stark is blending so well with the general public.

"Hey Mr. Stark, the Comic Book and Toy Convention is over. Shouldn't you be about else where, creating new toys and fighting evil?"


Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby Bear Monsie

I love you, you know
Even though you make me scream
And you make me bang my head
And cry

You make me laugh
And you chase my pain away
You make me smile
And think of positive thoughts
You make me want to be with you
You feed me, you stand by me
You make me happy
I love, love you, you know !!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Hard Day's Work

Alarm goes off at 5.09 am.
I snoozed the alarm.
Alarm goes off at 5.19 am.
I snoozed the alarm.
Alarm goes off at 5.29 am.
I snoozed the alarm.
I woke up proper at 5.33 am.
The day had just begun for me.
And now the day had just ended for me.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Birthday Party for the Boy

So we got invited to a pre-birthday BBQ for the eldest boy. Changi Village was the venue and bring an empty stomach was the instruction. Presents are optional but plenty of play time with the kids are required.

So off we went. First to get the present and then to Changi.


But alas the plans we made were not meant to be realised. First we got side tracked by the super late start to the day. Then we got stuck in the office for longer than thought. And finally I had to throw a hissy fit that almost killed the night and my sisters' love. For with just a couple of messages, I'd almost became the least favourite sister.

But almost was the key word.

We went.
We met.
We ate.

And that was good. Lovely time for the kids as well. :-)

Friday, December 03, 2010

I Saw Tony Stark again!

I did. I did see him the other day and I saw him again today! He had shaved his beard off so he was trying to blend in with the general population. Good call, Dude!

So he IS on a mission. shussssh

You didn't hear or read this from me and my blog. Keep this piece of news on the QT. :-)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Food Poisoning

So it came to be that my Dear, Sweetheart, Darling Baby came down with a major case of food poisoning. Don't know what he ate that didn't sit well in his tummy.

I escaped unscathed except for the "Panda eyes" for the lack of sleep. Dear woke up in the wee hours in the morning, sick in his tummy aside from running an obscenely high fever.

Poor Baby..

So, here I am writing for the whole world to read. Dear had gone to the Doc's and had gotten two days medical leave. Hopefully he gets well soon. Poor Sayang!