silentscream Search

Monday, April 26, 2010

Age is just a number

I am feeling kinda melancholic. Sitting in front of the computer trying to think of something intelligent to say is kinda frustrating. When the inspiration strikes me, words flow out from my mind onto the big, white screen fluently. When the inspired is struck, it's better to set yourself down and document your thoughts.

For today, I am not at work. I am resting at home. A home where Dear resides and find his peace and contentment. Unless, I decide to pop by and shatter his quiet thoughts. Sitting here, thinking to myself, I think I have been taking a lot of people and things for granted. Things like, having Dear around all the time. People like, taking my family and their unwavering support in my craziness.

Thoughts like, I'm gonna be okay. We are gonna be okay. Eventually we will build our home and hearth together and our love will conquer all. I wish that acceptance will come, be it from my family and his. We are serious about each other, honestly. We are so together and serious that we are entertaining ideas which will not be possible once a upon a time ago.

I'm sitting here and thinking how grateful for the times we shared. The memories we made and the plans we contemplated. To dream is to be at a restful stage and I honestly think we rest well together.

This month, being my birthday month, I wish for the strength to keep our faith in each other. I pray for the peace which will come to our household.

Thank you, Dear. For your support. For always being the bestest friend I ever had. For being you.

I *heart* you. Honestly, I do.

1 comment:

Salwa Asri said...


No worries ya! Whatever u do,i will always support u. Think what is the best & dun bother what other says coz the one to build the "CASTLE" is you NOT THEM.

I wish you both all the best ya! I love u sis..... :)