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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Not Sleepy Anymore

I can't get back to sleep. The room is hot. The bed is scratchy. My nose is semi blocked and my throat is parched. I'm thirsty like there is no way possible. I went to bed just after midnight and Dear continued to watch the second inning of his beloved cricket game.

Then I woke up at 3.33 am. With a start and realised that Dear is still watching the game. Suddenly, I just got pissed. And then sadness overcame me. Afterall, I did tell Dear to go ahead and continue watching the game. When I woke and he's not around, I just got peeved. Peeved that I stayed over and he's more interested in the game.

So I texted him to ask if he didn't know when to sleep. It took him a while to come in to the room to check on me. By which time, I was more than a little mad. I know, I'm the silly one. Trivial matters and all. Irrational behaviour and temper tantrums, galore !

And now.

I can't go back to sleep. Dear is snoring away happily and I'm up posting a "rant" at this ungodly hour. I would probably listen to another podcast if I really can't snooze soon. Or I might even while away my time playing either "Solitaire" or "Sudoko" on my mobile. Really, those are the kind of games good enough to make anyone snooze faster than you can say "monkeymansitsonthefenceandheckleanotherpasserbyagainandagainandagain".

Instant karma, anyone?

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