silentscream Search

Monday, July 20, 2009

Glory Man Utd

So the trip came. And went. It was an experience. Basically you imagine what it's like to watch the team you've supported for yonks "live". But even your imagination cannot beat the reality.

Yeah, so it was tiring and hectic 3 days. But the atmosphere was positively drug induced !

I just wished we had more time to do other things while we were in KL.

We planned and we discussed at lengths before plonking our hard earned money to catch the Devils. And boy, what a way of "wasting" our hard earned money !

Now, if we could be plonking moolah to catch the Red Devils at home, Old Trafford. What a way to waste your time and money then ! :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New games to play

I thought squash was an "evil" game. It was an "evil" game when I realised the sheer amount of running required. Plus the fact that I tend to bruise my wrist because the racquet's handle was much too long for me to have a good grip.

Then I played with Dear for a few bit of shoving of the rubber ball. Hmmmm ...

Dear took his game down a few notches, without his knee or ankle guards and he actually played like a decent person. Not being a mad man running about the small court. Well. It was good games all round. Lesser people and the rest rates were lesser. Especially when you play with faster and more agile players. Which, of course I didn't attempt to. I might just land my sorry ass on the wooden floor.

So I'm pretty knackered now. I need to pop back home later after dinner. We ordered Pastamania and food's just arrived. I'm a bit slow at typing now, watching a little bit of F1 and now Star Trek Next Generation: Nemesis on the telly. Dear's feeding me nachos with spicy cheese as I am typing this.

All round, we had a bit of a good weekend, not counting my acting up yesterday. I'm thinking that I'm becoming my my Dear's second half, proper. What with the nerd movies and "evil" game played. Hahaha ...

We will be watching Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs in 3D tomorrow evening. The Man U trip is this weekend. Might pop by for a bit of bowling either Tuesday or Thursday evening. Busy, busy week this week. :D

Funsies !!! :D

Honey nuts

My honey is crazy. He is currently looking over my shoulders as I am typing this, hence the reason for this post title. Okay. I'll write more later when I can probably think more clearly. Huh ...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cor, blimey !

The rain falling in sheets
The wind howling madly
Wetness all around
Coldness envelope the land
The sun disappearing from sight
Sleeping in is not the option
It is a must
I'm staying in and that's a fact.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Not so


My blog page is no longer being blocked from view by our web filter. It's pretty sad really. I would love for it to be blocked due to "Pornography". Hahaha ... As if.

So anyways, I am currently updating this page in the last 10 minutes of office hours. A few scares of the H1N1 flu bug. Apparently a couple of students were home quarantined because one of their housemates tested positive. So far, negative results of infection were given to these kids.

Also, a student and a teacher had a major temperature increase. Just a sudden onset of fever. Both were of the normal temperature range in the morning. Then later part of the morning, the student complained of being unwell. Temperature taken registered 38 degrees C. So, student was advised to see a doctor and her guardian was alerted. Thankfully, it was just fever (for now, perhaps) and she was given 2 days medical leave.

The teacher's temperature was higher. She came around close to 4 pm to the main office to have her temp taken. Using the contactless thermometer, her temp was 37.1 degrees C. But she complained of feeling extremely cold. Her eyes were red and she was tearing. So I thought a more accurate reading was required and used the ear thermometer. She placed it in her right ear and the reading taken was 39.8 degrees C !

We told her that she has to leave to see the doctor but she protested that she had classes ongoing. So, just to be sure I checked the temp in her left ear and the reading registered 39.1 degrees C. Tears started falling and we had to "sternly" inform her to just see a doctor. She reluctantly left the school and her department head was just incredulous that her temp rose that high.

Anyways, considering the amount of travelling the kids and teachers had done during the school hols, I am pretty thankful that none had come down with a serious case of the H1N1 bug. Hopefully, it'll be kept that way.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Web filter

Hahaha ... Boyfriend had just alerted me that if he tried to view my blog page from the office computer, our web filter blocked all access. Apparently the reason for the filter is because my blog page is categorised as Pornography ! Hahahaha ... How much fun is that ?

I am not writing as regularly as I did before and with this extra special filter ? Looks like I will never ever be able to update my blog page. Hmmm ... This may mean that this is like my last post ever !

So enjoy the past post and we'll see about the future ones !

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Bowling nutcases

Yes, we are.

Boyfriend and I are bowling nuts. WE are finding reasons to "go for bowling" these few months. And when we do go, we spent hours at the bowling centres trying our damnest to improve our mediocre scorings.

I'm not that good. At my best game, I hit just over a 100 pins. And at my worst, just below 50 pins. I am not saying that I will be the best. Nor am I saying that I'm the worst bowler ever. But it is always fun to throw a heavy ball and watch the pins (or pin) fall.

We spent over a couple of hundreds of dollars on games and shoe rentals. So. I think we should seriously think of going during non-peak periods. Like after midnight. Or during office hours.

Hmmm ... How do you think we'll bargain for those time ?


Friday, July 03, 2009

PSP Addiction


The Boyfriend's got it. He's currently addicted to this game called "Puzzle Quest". I can't say I blame him really. I was addicted to it before I introduced the mechanics of the game to him. And now ? We are fighting over who gets to play the PSP.

Previously Boyfriend was so cockily saying that the game was just a glorified, up-market "Bejeweled". And now, he's more addicted to it than I am. Anyways, it's good that he has re-discovered the joy of gaming. For a moment I thought my geeky boyfriend is of the mutated non gaming variety.


That makes it easier for me to indulge in my gaming nature. Midtown Madness, wait for me ! :)