silentscream Search

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rest with me

I supposed I did sound a bit mad in the previous entry. I'm sure there are a number of you scratching your head wondering what had gotten into me to come up with a super fluff piece. One word, love. So anyhow, let's see which of today's madcap incidences shall be posted ?

A somewhat okay day today. Although I must admit the morning was not that great. I got pissed at my Sup and he in turn spent the better part of the morning giving me the cold shoulder aka space. Yeah, right. So as a peace offering, I volunteered to make a pot of coffee. Who can resist a good cuppa java, especially if it's hazelnut flavoured Vietnamese coffee ? I must pat my back, a good move I made.

When the first flush of caffeine hit the bloodstream, the day was not so bad afterall. I did not get teased much for wearing a girly outfit to office today. Thank goodness for that. I guess I did delivered the mess-with-my-outfit-and-I-will-give-you-a-freaking-hard-time look. I must have perfected the look well because even Ravin didn't comment as much as he usually did. Although Ian did try to rile me up a little. Why is that people think I have a hot date when I wear a girly outfit to work ? Oh, I forgot. I'm usually quite simple in my work attire. Hah. Does that mean I was asking for it ? *shakes head*

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