silentscream Search

Friday, March 31, 2006

You know who you are

I sit here in front of my workstation, alone in the office and I think to myself; what is it I have achieved this past few months ? I am now at a loss more often than not. I wrestle with my many insecurities internally. And when he came along I was happy for a while. I know my moments in the sun will not last, He made me laugh hard but made me cry harder.

Once, many years ago, in my girlhood times, I told people around me I don't need any man to make me feel complete. I know it may sound cliche now but given my history with social ineptness I think I would have been better off sticking to my resolve. Many, many entries ago I did reveal that pain don't become me. Silly childhood fantasies. Silly, silly person I'd become.

Anger, disappointment, uneasiness, self-destructive, elated, blessed, adventurous, loved, despised, humble, adored.

Feelings and emotions I'd gone through these past 11 months since I first laid eyes on you, love.

Trust me.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I think he wants to be free

I was busy yesterday.

I will be busy tomorrow.

I might be busy the day after.

I think he wants to be free.

I think he wants me to be free.

Babe, can we talk about this instinct ?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Observations of an invigilator

Except for the occasional rustling of papers and the creaking of the chairs, the room is quiet. Talking is not allowed, although a hand raised and mouthing, "I need the toilet / washroom / restroom / comfort room," was permitted. This unspoken request is granted to a person at a time with a nod of acknowledgement.

Once in a while, a synchrony of heads would lift to land their peepers on the hands of the clock, strategically placed high up on the front of the room. Their gazes would soon drift towards either the time stated on the whiteboard or back down directly to the booklet in front of them.

Time is of the essence here. Having to answer 170 questions on slightly more than 3 hours is no mean feat. To be exact, 3 hours and 24 minutes. The completion of this would either make or break some of the decisions that the exam taker had arrived at.

Out of the 35 here, will all the hard work and study time pay off for each and every single one of them ? Would today be just a minute part of their lives ? Or would these 3 hours plus be the most life altering period ?

I just hope it's the latter. I may not know any of them, but from the bottom of my heart, GOOD LUCK & BEST WISHES YOU GUYS !!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rest with me

I supposed I did sound a bit mad in the previous entry. I'm sure there are a number of you scratching your head wondering what had gotten into me to come up with a super fluff piece. One word, love. So anyhow, let's see which of today's madcap incidences shall be posted ?

A somewhat okay day today. Although I must admit the morning was not that great. I got pissed at my Sup and he in turn spent the better part of the morning giving me the cold shoulder aka space. Yeah, right. So as a peace offering, I volunteered to make a pot of coffee. Who can resist a good cuppa java, especially if it's hazelnut flavoured Vietnamese coffee ? I must pat my back, a good move I made.

When the first flush of caffeine hit the bloodstream, the day was not so bad afterall. I did not get teased much for wearing a girly outfit to office today. Thank goodness for that. I guess I did delivered the mess-with-my-outfit-and-I-will-give-you-a-freaking-hard-time look. I must have perfected the look well because even Ravin didn't comment as much as he usually did. Although Ian did try to rile me up a little. Why is that people think I have a hot date when I wear a girly outfit to work ? Oh, I forgot. I'm usually quite simple in my work attire. Hah. Does that mean I was asking for it ? *shakes head*