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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Note to self

I am not a patient person. I am stubborn and I want things to go my way. Case in point, the names of our future kids.

The Dear wanted to have the kids (or kid) names to include his ancestral and surname. I want the kids' names to be simple. The name and the kids' dad's name. That is "something Dear". Easy and simple to remember.

However, Dear was quite insistent to have his surname on the birth certificates. Insisted even if it means having to drop his ancestral names. Dear's name is four words long consisting of 42 characters excluding spaces. Imagine that ! His name is just 5 characters long and that would mean the kids having more than 42 characters in their names ! Imagine the time taken to fill up their names in tiny boxes and then having to "darken the corresponding circles" in the OAS during exams ! *faints*

And then the Dear added. He wants the kids to have two names. Each reflecting their parents' different cultures and backgrounds. Then I fumed. And I sulked. And I blow the house down. Guess who was not the happy camper ? There was another underlying reason for the vehmence of my disagreement but it's another story to be told at another time.

So anyways. For now, we had come to some kind of truce. It's peace time until the next event to engage protest and demonstrations. Let us enjoy the tranquility until then. Who knows, we may not even have any kids at all so any arguments is kind of a moot point. At the rate we are going, chances are, by the time we are ready to have kids, we'd be too old and decrepit to have any. As the French say, "Cest la vie !"

1 comment:

Salwa Asri said...

Sis, for me i wish that i could strike off e daddy's name & put it under my name instead... Hahahah