silentscream Search

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Making a meal out of it

Meals are complicated businesses. When to have, what to have, where to have and how much to have.

Last night was a bit of an episode. Dinner was something I had looked forward to. Ma had made noodle chicken meatball soup. The smell of the soup filled the house and my nostrils when I stepped in the door. I had not had a proper meal in the day (which I shall not elaborate, for fear of abject disapproval from the Dear !) and so I was anticipating dinner. The scent of the pepper in the soup and the chunky pieces of chicken excited the senses and whetted my appetite. I was literally salivating every time I entered the kitchen.

However, patience was what was exercised. Dear said he will come by for dinner and so I waited for him to arrive. Ma popped in to say dinner was ready at 6-ish and I told her I'll have it later. She said noodles are ready and I asked if there was rice. She asked if Dear was coming by, he would prefer to have the rice. So Ma cooked a pot of rice.

Dear came by and we were both famished. I went to the kitchen to get my bowl of noodles and prepared rice for dinner. That was when Elder Sis said there was no more noodles. She had just taken a bowl to feed the kids and only bee hoon was left. She then said in a very unhappy tone that Ma had just boiled a packet of the yellow mee. I told her I'm fine with the rice or bee hoon but she was already preparing to boil another pack of noodles. Ma heard and interjected and then loud voices all round.

I was so fed up, I put back the crockery and told Dear that we should leave and have dinner outside. He was perplexed by the episode and left to me to decide. I packed up my stuff and changed.

Told Ma that I was leaving and she was upset that we didn't have the food. She then started to pack up the food for us to bring back. By then, I had lost my hunger and appetite. I told her there wasn't a need to and she said there was so much left and who will finish it. I said if there isn't enough then we do not need to have the food and I wanted to just walk away from the unhappiness. She started the waterworks and got Ayu to pass the food to us as we were walking towards the lift.


So we had dinner and dinner. Went home and sulked a little bit more.

Dear made sandwiches for breakfast for me. Easy, fast, no fuss affairs. I'd rather go without food but then the committee of enquiry aka Dear will be on my case. So better to accept then to argue.

Meals, really are complicated business. Dear asked where shall we go for dinner tonight. I have a feeling it will all end in petty arguments and major sulking.

P/S: Naturally I felt bad after deciding to skip dinner at home. I should had just had dinner there and let all the bad stuff float overhead. I should also have thought of the Dear. He was tired and hungry, having travelled an hour plus from work to come back to my place.

1 comment:

alexisce said...

hey hey... i hope there are more happy meal times ahead!