silentscream Search

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So there is this lady who works in the same place as me. Not in the same area or field of work but the same employer.

I see her every morning on the way to work. We would take the same route and bus services. We both get on the same bus at different stops. Alight at the same stops. But we don't talk. We don't acknowledge each other's presence.

There was a time when I first started the route and I recognise her and I thought of smiling. When I did, we got to chatting. And then I realised why I choose not to socialise with known parties in the morning. Same conversations, same sad answers.

Somehow it got to the point where I would quickly get my iPod running and my eyes shut to catch a wee bit of snooze in the morning. She got the point really quickly. And we stopped talking. We stopped acknowledging each other's presence.

A little sad ?

I still see her most days, chatting up random school kids on the bus. Kids who lived far from their schools, kids who were unfortunate enough to smile and acknowledge her presence.

We don't that do we ? We don't chat up random strangers on the bus unless we experience a commonality. We don't open up to strangers like the older folks do. We prefer to keep to our company, blasting our music devices, playing on our smartphones.

What a state of apathy we had embraced.

But whatever said and done, I would rather have my apathy than having to chat incessantly on the different ways to get to work.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Very Fine Scare !

My iMac just gave me a little scare earlier.

I had not been "playing" with it in quite a while and so since the aircon maintenance fellas are coming round for the quarterly year checks.

Dear had moved the iMac from the main bedroom to the other room with its clean and spacious table. So there I was utilising my Mac in full when I noticed a wee bit of fuzzy spot over some of the news articles. Weird. Earlier, the screen was also flashing white light and there was intermittent lapses in the movement of the mouse. Initially I thought it was the webpage refreshing, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyways, it seemed to me that the blurry, fuzzy spot had grown in size and the Mac was like super hot !

I told my Dear and he touched the area on the screen with the fuzzy spot. We had thought it was just a smudge on screen but wiping away didn't help. Then Dear said it could be condensation behind the screen. He viewed it from the side and there was gap in between. Oh no !

My new iMac !

So Dear told me to shut it down and call the Service Centre. And then we went on a search of my Apple Care Protection box with the receipt. He kept saying it was a good thing that we had listened to my Boss who advised us to get the plan when I bought the iMac. Where was it ? I remember I had registered it here but I could have done it in the office. Oh, where is the darn box !!!

I called the Service Centre after searching my email on the TouchPad. Finally, a number to be called for help for my poor iMac ! Meanwhile, Dear said it'd be better to get some photos of the fuzzy spot. Once the machine had shut down, there was a misshapen shape of white on the black screen.

Waited 15 minutes to speak to a service operator, panicking if my iMac is doomed for life ! While waiting on the line I searched for similar incidences online via the TouchPad. Thank you for the mobile devices and wireless network (courtesy of the Dear !) !

Eventually spoke to someone with an American accent and he assured me the heating up of the machine is quite normal. Seriously ?!?

Well. I am glad to say, as per advised by the service guy, it is a one off thing. I got my case number and was told to call again if the condensation happens again. I've been advised to switch on the machine and use it as per normal. So far, so good.

But. What a very fine scare to be had !
