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Friday, January 28, 2011

Praying For Time - George Michael

These are the days of the open hand
They will not be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars and the choosers

This is the year of the hungry man
Whose place is in the past
Hand in hand with ignorance
And legitimate excuses

The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much
But we'll take our chances
Because God's stopped keeping score
I guess somewhere along the way
He must have let us all out to play
Turned his back and all God's children
Crept out the back door

And it's hard to love, there's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above say it's much too late
Well maybe we should all be praying for time

These are the days of the empty hand
Oh you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear twice a year

This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there is over here

So you scream from behind your door
Say "what's mine is mine and not yours"
I may have too much but I'll take my chances
Because God's stopped keeping score
And you cling to the things they sold you
Did you cover your eyes when they told you
That he can't come back
Because he has no children to come back for

It's hard to love there's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above say it's much too late
So maybe we should all be praying for time

This is an absolute classic by Mr. Michael and one of my all time favourite music track. Take a listen and you will realise how seamlessly the vocals fit the melody of the song.

Have a good day and keep praying for time. ;-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

34 Months Anniversary

The mother lode of anniversary is coming up in 2 short months. 36 months = 3 years.

Wow !

I am amazed that we are going on to the 3 year mark of being together. Short time, long time, depends on the perspective of the persons and the heat of the moment.

Anyways, now is not the time and place yet. I will be waxing lyrical once the time comes, I promise.

So to the Dear, Darling, Sweetheart of mine; Happy Anniversary. I love you!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Absolutely, extremely, horrendously, disgustingly and pleasantly bored !!!

*finger gun pointing to right temple*


Friday, January 21, 2011


Having friends opens up your world. Making the effort to connect or re-connect with your friends opens up your world.

Earlier today, Andrew was just saying how he is contacting and re-connecting with his friends over meals, lunch or tea and such. How wonderful it is to meet up with people and to chat over stuff. Shared history and re-bonding sessions just to keep in touch with the people who had crossed your path in your life's journey.

Interactions with other people opens up your world to a whole lot of possibilities and opportunities.

Making friends is the easy part. And we all know that keeping them is the hard part. So friends, in this new year, I am hoping that we can at least meet to chat over a meal or coffee (or tea as Elin would put it).

Hence, I am making the effort to send a teeny, tiny text message to one and all so we can coordinate our time and geographical presence.

Cheers ! :-)

Time of your life

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road"

I must choose my road. I must choose my route now. Before I finish one song, I will have to start on another.

"So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, To you and you and you"


Thursday, January 20, 2011

A simple sorry would have sufficed


I am wrong. I over-reacted. I am the one at fault.

I am sorry.

Why ?

This morning on the way to work, crossing the major roads, instead of waiting for the all clear lanes, I decided to chance on crossing while cars are still whizzing in the other lanes. So I walked slowly in the middle of the road with thoughts and intentions of picking up speed. What happens if I choose to walk faster. Will I make it before the cars cross my path ? Or will I be road kill ?

I wonder if I should have done it.

Things are not going so well. Boyfriend's parents are still not approving of my presence in his life. Our three years are coming up soon. Is this all there is to it ?


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