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Monday, November 01, 2010

Year End, Post Depression

Yeah, another 2 whole months before the year 2011 starts. And what a cracking start it will be. To be quite honest, with all the upheavals happening in my life in the past few months, time did pass by very quickly.

The change of the second residence. The change of employment. The change of my status with him. We are like two peas in a pod. Snuggling cosily and acting in synchrony. Until someone takes us out of the pod and put us in the wrong positions and place. Yikes ! We fight and we argue and we cry and we decide, we want to be back in our cosy corners and we made up. We are friends again.

*hugs* to the one I love and adore and abide and drive crazy.

We live, we love and we die. All in the natural progression of life.

Cheers !