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Friday, November 26, 2010

*Bo Chapness is just a state of the mind

To be quite frank, the Dear had been saying that I had jumped from the frying pan straight into the grill/stove top/fire. And I think I will have to agree. It makes perfect sense since I had been complaining about a number of things not in the order I had come to expect since I started at the new "work place".

I had given the fair amount of chances to certain people here as, well, people being humans are not infallible. Time and again they have come up short. The kind of attitude I see towards their work and the pride they have in fulfilling their duties are, hmmm ... The same as the place I had left.

So I am disheartened. To see the state of *bo chap-ness so inherent here. A handful of colleagues seemed to not have that attitude but the majority always wins, yes ?

And so, I have adopted the majority. Behold, the new *bo chap me. She who will fly high in her cape of T-Shirts and Polo-Ts to office !

*Bo chap means a don't care attitude frequently used as a local slang