silentscream Search

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Me, mine and I

What can you say about people that had not been said before ? People are generous and on the flip side, people are selfish. People can be kind and unkind. They can be oh so thoughtful and yet there are more thoughtless beings walk around. In a daze.

I feel kind of privileged to be able to know and meet all sorts of people. The nice ones, the not so helpful ones, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Generous = Cheeky Monkey - for re-contracting his mobile plan so I can get a new phone.

Selfish = Me - for wanting to get a new phone even though my current mobile is still usable.

Kind = Elin for showing her care and concern to her colleague who's being "ill-treated" by the higher-ups

Unkind = The higher-ups who are taking advantage of a foreigner by making unreasonable demands and expecting miracles.

Thoughtful = The coffeeshop uncle who knows my coffee order and had never failed to make me an excellent plastic bag of coffee to keep me awake every morning

Thoughtless = The idiots to whom Cheeky Monkey are sharing his living space with

Just a bit of write up to end the lunch hour. Cheers !

1 comment:

alexisce said...

oh i am under the 'kind' category. awwwww