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Friday, March 27, 2009

If things were not so different

It's been coming gradually. The feeling of unease did not dissipate over time. You know the bad feeling you have at the base of your stomach everytime you think something's not right is going to happen. A few things then happened and you think that that's the bad thing and that bad feeling will go away.

But it didn't.

And so the story goes, how my Ma had to be hospitalised again. The same old issue, the same old disease. The same old remedy ?

It's been said time and again that as we age, we become more set in our ways. More than ever, we choose not to listen to what's good and beneficial for us. I admit, I do fall into that category. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The same streak of obstinance runs in me and my sisters. And the bull-headedness did not just start from my folks. It goes way back to their parents and parents' parents time.

And so.

Although wont as I want to write about my complete year with the Dear one, I must remember that all joy comes with the tears ...

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